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Young Johnny went to see the circus for the first time with his parents.
While his father was off buying popcorn, his mother took him to see the
wild animals. He was fascinated at the lions, tigers, and bears, but
when he saw the elephants, his curious nature was awakened. *Mommy,* he
asked, *what is that long thing hanging down between the elephants legs?*
Embarrassed, his mother quickly replied, *Oh, thats nothing*.
Unsatisfied, he patiently awaited his fathers return, and as soon as
Mom was out of earshot, he repeated his question, *what is that long thing
hanging down between the elephants legs?* His father confidently
replied, *Why, thats his penis, son*. Confused, the boy then asked his
*Then why did Mommy say it was nothing?*
*Son.* the father replied, *your mother is spoiled*.
Not long after that, young Johnny was taking a walk through the park
with his dad, when they happened upon two dogs in the middle of the act.
Curiosity sparked, he asked his father, *Dad, what are they doing?*
Determined to give a real answer, his father told him quite plainly, *They
are making love. That is how they make the puppies*. This answer
seemed to satisfy him. Later that evening, however, he happened to walk
in on his
parents in the middle of lovemaking. *Daddy*, he asked, *what are you
doing to Mommy?* *Remember the doggies this afternoon, son? This is
how people make love. Were making a little sister for you*.
*Daddy*, Johnny said, *flip Mommy over. I want a puppy instead.*
:), :),


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В 1983 году Питер Стюарт из Англии танцевал диско на протяжении 408 часов, или две недели и три дня.

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