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A man walks into a bar one morning carrying a box a little
bigger than a shoe box. The man walks up to the bar and sits
down at the bar. The bartender asks, *Whats in the box?*.
And the man responds, *If you give me a beer Ill show you*.
So the bartender pours him a draft and the man opens up the
box and inside is a twelve inch man and a very small piano.
Well now the bartender was really interested. He asked the
man, *well does he play that piano?*
The man responded again with, *for a beer Ill show you*. So
the bartender again pours him a tall one and the man in the
box starts to play some Mozart.
The bartender said *That is just unbelievable! Where did you
get him?* The man again replied, *Give me another beer and
Ill tell you.* So once again, the bartender poured a beer
and the man said, *well you see I was walking down this
alley and
I saw this old lamp. I rubbed it and out came a genie. And
the rest is history.* The bartender asked, *Well, do you
still have the lamp? Can I give it a try?*
The man said, *For one more beer, Ill give you the lamp.*
So the bartender gladly poured one more draft and the man
pulled out this old looking lamp, and handed it to the
bartender. The bartender rubbed it vigorously, and sure
enough, out popped a genie!
The genie said, *you have released me, I will give you one
wish*. The bartender thought for only a second and said, *I
want to have a million bucks!* And the genie replied, *It is
done*. And then he disappeared. At that very instant the
loudest thundering noise filled the air. It was almost
deafening. And then the door to the bar flew open and in
flew thousands upon thousands upon thousands of ducks! It
was just unbelievable! The bartender screamed over the roar
of flapping wings,
*No I said BUCKS, BUCKS. NOT DUCKS!* And all the man said
was, *Did you really think that I wished for a twelve inch


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Везде, где уклад старой жизни ломают,Под власти фундамент кладя динамит,Еврей среди тех, кто на бунт поднимает,А после зачинщиков сам же казнит.

Эдуард Севрюс

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