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A woman walks into her sex therapists office and tells her that her
husband is not a very good lover, and they never have sex anymore,
and asks what to do about it. The therapist tells her that she has an
experimental drug that might do the trick. She tells the woman to give
her husband one pill that night and come back in the morning and tell
her what happened.
The next day, the woman comes in ecstatic telling the therapist that
the pill worked and she and her husband had the best sex ever. She
asks her therapist what would happen if she gave her husband two
pills and the therapist says she doesnt know, but to go ahead and try
The next day, the same thing happens, the woman comes in telling the
therapist that the sex was even better than the night before and what
would happen if she gave him five pills. The therapist says she
doesnt know, but to go ahead and try it.
The next day, the woman comes in limp but happy, and tells the
therapist that the sex just keeps getting better and what would happen
if she gave her husband the rest of the bottle. The therapist says
she doesnt know its an experimental drug and she doesnt know what
a full bottle could do to a person.
Anyway, the woman leaves the therapists office and put the rest of
the bottle of pills in the husbands morning coffee. A week later, a
boy walks into the therapists office and says:
*Are you the dumb fuck who gave my mother the bottle of experimental
*Why, yes, young man, I did. Why?*
*Well, moms dead, my sisters pregnant, my ass is killing me, and
dads runnin around the house yellin *Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.*


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Евгений Кащеев

В Индии встречается необычное растение - калир-канда, которое в народе прозвали - *обмани желудок*. Съев несколько листочков, чувствуешь сытость целую неделю. Благодаря этому ценному свойству, лекарственные препараты и настои на листьях калир-канды рекомендуются людям, страдающим лишним весом.

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