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This guy walks into a whore house and goes up to the lady at the
front desk. *What can I get for a buck?* he says. She looks at him
and says,*Go to the last room at the end of the hall and well have a
girl waiting for you.*
So he heads on down the hall and goes into the last room there is.
Low and behold sitting spread-eagle, naked on the bed is this
beautiful blonde just waiting. Without further ado, the guy drops his
pants and starts going to town.
Hes working her over with everything hes got thinking of how good
a bargain it was, even though she was being kinda quiet. He keeps
going and then...he has one of the greatest orgasms of his life but
right as he finishes, white stuff starts coming out of her nose, her
mouth and her ears.
Well the guys freaks out and goes flying out of the room and back to
the front desk while putting his clothes back on. He starts yelling
until the lady comes up to the front desk. Then he tells her how all
of that white stuff was spurting out of the girl he was getting it on
Hearing this, the lady at the front desk turns to the door behind her
and yells,*Herb! The dead ones full again!!!*


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